took time off artinya
- took: membawa; memegang; memungut; mengambil
- took time: bekerja dengan tenang
- time: ketika; waktu; time; masa; time (magazine); jam;
- time off: waktu kosong; waktu istirahat
- off: batal; dr; keluar; mulai; tutup; basi; dari;
- took-off: berangkat; membuka
- took the day off: meninggalkan
- took the edge off: mengurangi
- took the shine off from: paling unggul daripada
- took time by the forelook: menggunakan waktu
- took time out: istirahat sebentar
- had time off: berlibur
- have time off: berlibur
- having time off: berlibur
- off peak time: waktu pembatasan